12 Rays Visual Special:
Bound Book of Transcripts of all 38 of 12 Rays Attunements.
You receive 3 Attunements per Ray
Plus Potent Integration Attunements that weave 3 Attunements at a time together.
12 Rays Primer - Quick Notes for Daily Application
Handouts and Exercises that go wtih applying and using the rays in everyday living.
Only $ 88.00
Printing is done in batches - based on groups of orders -
please allow up to 8 weeks for book alone orders.
33 Day Audio & Visual 12 Rays:
Receive Audio email attunements
delivered by email for you.
Emails arrive daily approximately every
24 hours.
AND - get the Transcripts and Handouts
printed for you to use over and over.
Daily exercise emails really enhance referring
back to the material while traveling or outside
the computer and electronic environment.
Both together - Audio and Visual -
CDs of Attunements and Full Color
Transcript Book $259.00
(Save over $100)
The 33 Day - 12 Positive Ray - Deep Cellular Integration Course
Delivered by email
38 potent attunements
Handy daily exercises to put the rays into daily life
Summaries of the attunement to skim to "re-attune" to the energy later.
MP3 Audios and Transcripts of by
Email - $177
The 33 days of 12 Ray audios
never cease to amaze me. I am
so happy each morning when
I get the audio in my inbox.
Each teaching is perfectly
aligned with what I am going
through on those particular days.
Your work lifts me up.
What a treat. Many thanks.-----
Lisa Berg
Leading Beyond Boundaries
"The timing of these lessons is
impeccable and amazing. Each one
arrives in perfect timing for what
is unfolding in my life." Fairfax, VA
"I looked forward to receiving
my meditation every day as a
yummy touchstone in my life."
Gaithersburg, MD
Please indicate the ray you are seeking when you check out. Each Ray Attunement occurs across 3 Days to Deepen the Energy Integration. 3 Separate Attunements to the Ray....
Such potent Energy Healing Session usually $77
NEW PRICING NOW $25 for 1 RAY Each Ray attunement includes 3 MP3 Audios Attunements AS well as the Transcript to RE-Attune quickly and easily
Two sets for $45
ALL 12 for only $177
We are dedicated to helping people create the lives they will love living. Creating a life one truly loves can involve many different areas of focus. We are a place for learning about your path to true healing and balance.
Copyright 2019 Vitability Associates