Celestial Alignments Attunements

Monthly Energy Alignment Attunements to heal and anchor the Highest positive Energy for this time period to assist with creating and strongly holding the energies of Support, Peace, Calm and Prospering to create a World of Peace and Prospering for ALL.

Powerful guided healing attunements with over 144 layers of healing and light.  People often listen to the recordings many times even years later to amplify the energy and deepen a relationship to higher energies more fully in their lives. 

Many planetary events create specific energy for creating or boosting or making easier certain energies like focusing, or prosperity or light.  So the recordings are helpful to give more of a connection to an alignment, even when that alignment has happened in the past.  


If the Moon has such an impact on all the Water on the Earth, imagine what the effects the positions of the planets and their sacred geometric relationships to one another and each person’s natal astrology does on each of us?  We are constantly be effected by the relationships and energetic dances of the energies of the planets. 

All placements have a positive, negative and neutral quality.  These Attunements bring in the Positive ONLY aspects of the relationships to make these supportive and healing resources available to use to move through daily life and shifts and changes with ease, while holding Peace and Calm and connecting the Prospering for ourselves and others.  

These Attunements work well with Lightworkers and Wordservers to help them do their Highest Positive Aligned work in the world.  

Attunements are 3rd Wednesday each Month at 

12:00 pm Eastern Time 

and by recording 

for those who cannot join on the Live Calls